The World Championship winning bike from Krugger was there too. Of course I had to take the opportunity to do something with this and I really wanted to shoot it! The bike, though, could not be put outside the building and had to stay at the stall of krugger's. And it could not be wheeled round to shoot the other side, as it was placed on a lift in the little stall. So, to deal with this, I had to shoot it in two days.
Saturday morning I had just a few minutes to put up my studio-lights at Krugger's stall, before the show opened and all the visitors came in. After the merchandise was removed from the walls, I made some photo's, while it was called through the speakers that the show will be opened in 5 minutes. Hurry hurry!!
Sunday after the show I shot the other side in a time-span of just seconds, while people were removing the bikes and stalls around me.
With some photoshopping, cleaning up the background etc. I come to this studio'ish result. And I'm pretty happy with it!

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